Professional Dog Training

In San Diego, California

Affordable, fun, and effective dog training

Transform your dog in 5 weeks or less!

95% of our client’s dogs show improved behavior after just one lesson!

Get your free assessment

Chat with Sanjana, our head trainer. We’ll get back to you within 24-48 hours via phone call

Are you tired of your dog not listening to you?

Dog training can feel like a mystery. Maybe..

  • You're tired of your dog pulling on the leash and lunging at other dogs

  • You’re tired of your dog’s excessive barking

  • You’re tired of your dog jumping on people and their overwhelming energy in the home

  • You want to enjoy life without your dog's behavior limiting what you can do

We’ve got the solution!

Meet Sanjana, our expert dog trainer. She’s here to help.

Sanjana is an expert in the field of animal training. With over 15 years of experience training horses and over 4 years successfully training dogs, Sanjana is dedicated to providing the best possible dog training services in San Diego. She helps stressed dog owners train peaceful, well-behaved pups who can join you on any adventure!

Why Peace Pups?

Clients consistently succeed with us because we get to the root of the issue from day one. We teach you how to become your dog's pack leader and lead with confidence, consistency, and playfulness.

Sanjana, our head trainer, has trained every dog under the sun, from stressed-out rescues to overexcited Frenchies to arm-pulling Labs. Sanjana specializes in working with dogs, especially rescues, that are struggling with behavioral challenges such as leash pulling, house manners, and excessive barking.

95% of our clients see an improvement in behavior after the first week of training. We've transformed every dog we've worked with because we give owners the knowledge and tools they need to succeed.

Our Promise

We are committed to taking the time to fully understand your dog's unique personality and needs. After our consultation, we create a customized training program for your pup to achieve each of your training goals.

We offer continued support between lessons and after you’ve completed training. We are here to support you every step of the way. We promise that your pup will come out of our training a more well-behaved and balanced dog that you can enjoy life with!

We offer a 100% money-back guaranteed after the first lesson because of how confident we are.

What Our Clients Have to Say!

“We are so happy we met Sanjana.

After 3 months of training, we had a dog we could finally welcome as part of our family. He knew his place, became calmer around other dogs, and just transformed into a happy dog!”

Igor, Owner of Japanese Akita

“Sanjana has helped out our pup tremendously with clear and straightforward instruction and positive reinforcement.

Trust me, she’ll do wonders with your furry friend. I highly recommend her!”

Jake, Owner of Rescue Hound Mix

"Sanjana gave me the communication tools I needed to build a strong relationship with my dog. Finally, I can walk my pup without stress!"

Priya, Owner of Toy Poodle Mix

How training with us works

1. Book your free consultation

This is an opportunity for you to share your challenges and your goals with us. Sanjana will then share with you what we offer and you can let us know if it’s a good fit! From there, we create a customized training plan for you and your pup to achieve success.

2. Select a training package

We offer different training packages to meet your unique needs. We’ll review the training packages during our consultation and then you’ll choose the package that best suits your goals.

3. Train together and grow

We meet weekly or bi-weekly, depending on how fast you’d like to progress. Each session builds off the previous session. Together we will teach your dog how to stay engaged with you, improve leash walking skills, and learn basic obedience. By the end, you’ll have a pup that wows the socks off your friends!

Our Training Packages

5 Week Dream Dog Course

Customized. Effective. Results-Driven

Our 5-week private course is perfect for rescue dogs, puppies, and older dogs. We work 1:1 in weekly sessions.

We cover everything in this course! From leash walking to command training to resolving behavioral challenges.

Learn how to be your dog’s trainer and reach every single training goal you have

“Sanjana’s 5 Week Dream Dog Course gave me and my pup all the foundational knowledge and skills we needed to succeed! I’m so happy we can enjoy walks again!”

- Pat and Olive

Puppy Training

Teach your puppy to be the ultimate companion. We go over basic obedience, bullet-proof potty training, proper social skills, and how to eliminate jumping and puppy biting in our 5 Week Dream Dog Course. These sessions are foundational for raising a puppy that listens for life.

Private Lessons for Behavior Modification

This is for owners struggling with a certain behavior and want a smaller package option than our 5 Week Dream Dog Course. We will get to the root of your dog’s challenge and resolve it together.

Advanced Off-leash Recall Training 4-Week Course

Teach your dog a reliable game of fetch and learn to hike with your dog off-leash without worry. We break down the basics of off-leash training using modern ecollars. Within just 4 weeks, your dog will be a recall champion.

Are you ready to feel calm and relaxed while walking your dog?

It’s time to become your dog’s pack leader

Our Approach

Sanjana is a relationship-based dog trainer who emphasizes the importance of building clear communication between you and your dog and creating excellent obedience through play.

We first focus on teaching your pup how to stay engaged and play with you, no matter the environment, and then layer in obedience training. Most dogs struggle because they are more engaged with their environment than their owners. So we flip it! We teach your dog how to be more interested in you versus the environment.

You'll hear us say it all the time: structure, consistency, play, and leadership are the foundations of training a pup that listens.

95% of clients see an improvement in behavior after the first lesson because we get to the root of the issue from lesson one. We teach your dog to play and engage with you and see you as the pack leader.

We teach all new skills using positive reinforcement, food rewards, and praise. We make training fun for dogs and their owners! Once a dog has mastered a skill, I teach owners how to hold their dog accountable and use proper leash corrections to guide them toward success and eliminate bad habits. We use our yes and our no to create a well-balanced, happy dog.

We confidently train any breed, any age, and any issue.

We have trained several dogs with behavioral challenges, and each one has become a more well-behaved dog from our program. We passionately believe that every dog is trainable with proper training and guidance.

Are you ready?

Get started as early as next week!

Get your free assessment

Chat with Sanjana, our head trainer. We’ll get back to you within 24-48 hours via phone call